锛架 adz block | 锜 an ancient cooking pot with ... | 锜华 Yi Hua | 锞 a small ingot of gold or sil... | 锞子 a small ingot of gold or sil... | 锟铻 Kunwu a double-edged sword | 锡伯族 the Xibe nationality,distrib... | 锡克教 Sikism | 锡剧 Wuxi opera,a local opera pop... | 锡匠 tinsmith | 锡器 tinware | 锡壶 tinpot | 锡是比较容易熔化的金属 Tin is a comparatively easy ... | 锡杖 Buddhist monk's staff | 锡畴 a surname | 锡畴子斯 Xichou Zisi | 锡石 cassiterite | 锡矿 tin ore | 锡矿床 tin ore deposit | 锡箔 tin foil paper tinsel burned... | 锡纸 silver paper | 锡躐 solder tin | 锡金 Sikkim | 锡金绵羊 sikkim | 锡钢片 tin plate |
| 锢 plug with molten metal | 锢囚 occlusion | 锢囚气旋 occluded cyclone | 锢囚锋 frontal occlusion | 锢疾 chronic illness | 锣 gong | 锣槌 hammer | 锣鼓 gong and drum traditional pe... | 锣鼓喧天 a deafening sound of gongs a... | 锣鼓敲打得很热闹 Drums and gongs were beating... | 锤 a metal ball with a handle o... | 锤击 stamping | 锤击夯 hammerblow tamper | 锤头 monkey | 锤头果蝠 hammerheaded bat | 锤头鹳 hammerkop | 锤子 hammer | 锤打 hammer | 锤打机 hammerer | 锤炼 temper | 锤炼字句 refine upon the wording and ... | 锤金箔 hammer gold into foil | 锤锻 hammer forging | 锤锻机 swager | 锤镦 hammer down |