I desire to exercise my faith in the most difficult point . 我愿意在最困难的地方锤炼我的信仰。
Centuries of statecraft had refined the concept of sovereignty . 几个世纪的治国方法锤炼了民族主义哲学。
The workers have no guarantee that they can continue to ply their skills . 工人们得不到可以一直在一个工种中不断锤炼技术的保证。
Though he had a very well-tempered constitution, his hold upon life had lost its firmness . 虽然有副久经锤炼的钢筋铁骨,但是死亡的阴影渐渐向他袭来。
The metal was hammer - hardened having beenheated to a definite temperature in the furnace 这个金属在炉子里加热到一定的温度后就被锤炼。
Also , the community has yet to hammer out a solid set of best practices for using mdbs 而且, mdb社区也需要经历更多的锤炼,以获得一套成形的使用mdb的最佳实践。
According to schools ' conditions , outstanding school culture is built with the guide of science 建设杰出学校文化要在科学思想指导下根据学校条件集中全体智慧正确定位并进行锤炼。
Amway manufactures products of the highest quality , backed by a dedicated team of more than 450 scientific researchers around the world 塑造品质安利绝非一朝一夕,更不能一蹴而就,全赖安利一直对产品品质的精心锤炼。
S was on the way he desired to follow , and was moving towards the end he wished to achieve ; his heart was in a fair way of petrifying in his bosom 唐太斯正踏上他所要走的路,正朝着他的既定目标前进,他的心正在经受着锤炼。
Jin jiang s food has a history dating back to the 30 s and its sichuan and cantonese cuisine has become perfected after more than a half - century of experience 饭店餐饮始于三十年代,半个多世纪的锤炼造就了一批川广菜的名厨。