唯日孜孜 work hard day in and day out |
唯权是夺 grab power at every opportun... |
唯条件论 ""theory that conditions dec... |
唯武器论 the theory that weapons alon... |
唯物 materialistic |
唯物主义 materialism |
唯物主义教育思想 materialistic theory of educ... |
唯物主义者 materialist |
唯物史观 materialist conception of hi... |
唯物论 materialism dissertation |
唯物论的反映论 the materialist theory of re... |
唯物辨证法 materialist dialectics |
唯独 only |
唯理论 rationalism |
唯理论者 rationalist |
唯生产力论 ""theory of the unique impor... |
唯美主义 aestheticism |
唯美主义者 aesthete |
唯而不诺 answer readily but with no p... |
唯能说 energetics |
唱 sing |
唱他几句京戏 sing a few lines of Beijing ... |
唱做念打 singing,acting,recitation an... |
唱功 art of singing |
唱双簧 give a two-man comic show,wi... |