

  • the theory of the unique importance of class origin



  • 例句与用法
  • Take a look at her organizational scale , she has developed into a large , mass party with more than 60 million members and 3 . 5 million fundamental organizations from al illegal , small party with only a few more than 50 people and 8 local organizations . on the subject of our party ' s regulation construction , it changed from the initial construction of rules and chapters to their alimentary systematization and then gradual perfection , which further systemized the organization of our party ; in regard to the social status of the party ' s member , it changed from the initially and partially emphasizing the members " status ( that is , they must come either from workers or from peasants . )
    从组织规模上看,由创生时只有50多人、 8个地方组织的非法小党发展成为一个拥有6千多万党员、 350多万个基层组织的群众性大党;从党的制度建设上看,由最初的建章立制到党规党法的初步体系化进而不断完善,使党组织结构制度化的程度一步步加深;从党员的社会构成看,由片面强调工农化、搞“唯成分论”到吸纳社会各阶层的先进分子以增强党的阶级基础和扩大党的群众基础,这其中积累了许多成功的经验:一是党组织结构各要素的相互适应与协调发展。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 唯成分论的日语:出身?階級区分がいちばん重要だとする理論.
  • 唯成分论的韩语:[명사] 출신 계급[성분]에 의하여 모든 것을 결정하는 사고방식. 계급[성분] 제일주의. [문화 대혁명 기간에 특히 성행했음] =[唯阶级论] [唯出身论] →[黑五类]
  • 唯成分论什么意思:wéichéngfènlùn [the theory of the unique importance of class origin] 把出身、成分作为评定和使用人的唯一标准的错误观念
  • 推荐英语阅读
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