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哑疟 dumb ague
哑谜 puzzling remark
哑铃 dumbbell
哑铃操 dumbbell exercises
哑音 mute
哒同 "嗒"
哒嗪 pyridazine
哒嗪基 pyridazinyl
哒嗪酮 pyridazinone
哓哓不休 argue endlessly
哔叽 serge
哔哔剥剥 crackle
哔啉 biline
哕逆 hiccup
make noise
哗众取宠 curry favour by claptrap
哗变 mutiny
哗哗哗流淌的小溪 a brawling stream
哗啦碟子哗啦一声掉在地上 The dishes fell with a crash...
哗然 in an uproar
哗然起哄 rising up in an uproar
哗笑 roar with laughter
哙参 Kuai Can
哝哝 talk in undertones
哢动 sing
elder brother
哥伦布 Columbus
哥伦比亚 Colombia District of Columbi...
哥伦比亚人 Colombian
哥伦比亚河 Columbia River
哥伦比尔裁 colombier
哥儿 brothers
哥儿们 brothers buddies
哥哥 brother
哥德巴赫猜想 Goldbach conjecture
哥斯达黎加 Costa Rica
哥斯达黎加人 Costa Rican
哥本哈根 Copenhagen
哥本哈根学派 Copenhagen school
哥本哈根蓝色 copen
哥特体 Gothic
哥特式 Gothic
哥特式家俱 gothic chippendale
哥特式建筑 Gothic architecture
哥特式弧形拱 segmental Gothic arch
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