- 哔啵猴学院 piposaru academia
- 哔哌卡因 piperocaine
- 呲 动词[口语] (申斥; 斥责) give a talking-to; give a tongue-lashing; chide 挨了一顿呲儿 get a good talking-to
- 哔哌氮嗪酯 theratuss
- 咣 象声词(撞击振动的声音) clap; crash; bang 他把门咣地一声关上, 响得震耳欲聋。 he shut the door with an ear-splitting bang
- 哔哔声一次 bee once
- 哕 Ⅰ象声词(呕吐时嘴里发出的声音) hiccup; retchⅡ动词[口语] (呕吐) vomit; throw up 干哕 retch
- 哔哔声 beep; bleep
- 哕逆 hiccup
- 哔哔剥剥 crackle (like burning logs); with a popping sound