锉刷 file card |
锉屑 filings |
锊 unit of weight measurement,a... |
锋 the sharp point or cutting e... |
锋利 sharp |
锋利泼辣的笔调 a sharp and pungent style |
锋利的刀 trenchant sword |
锋利的笔触 a sharp style |
锋利的钢刀 a sharp knife |
锋芒 cutting edge |
锋芒初露 display one's talent for the... |
锋芒太露 show too much of one's abili... |
锋芒小试 display only a small part of... |
锋芒所向 direct the spearhead against... |
锋芒毕露 fail to show restraint |
锋芒直指 be directed at... |
锋芒逼人 display one's talent in an a... |
锋镝交加 heavy fighting |
锋镝余生 a narrow escape from cannon ... |
锌 zinc |
锌凸版 zincograph |
锌凸版印件 zincograph |
锌凸版术 zincography |
锌提炼 zinc extraction |
锌板 rolled tin |