- 1.(尖, 面薄) sharp; keen
锋利的钢刀 a sharp knife; 像剃刀一样锋利 as keen as razors2.(文笔尖利) incisive; sharp; poignant 短语和例子
锋利泼辣的笔调 a sharp and pungent style
- She pared the apple with a sharp knife .
她用锋利的刀削苹果。 - He carried a sharp fillet knife .
他带了一把锋利的片刀。 - A sharp razor gives a close shave .
剃刀锋利刮得就干净。 - Their bayonets were sharp, and their hearts were high .
他们的刺刀锋利,斗志甚旺。 - The cloven hooves are sharp edged, elastic and concave .
蹄锋利,呈凹形,富有弹性。 - The brooms are terribly direct .
扫帚把是非常锋利的。 - Sometimes one suspects an edge of new england humor .
有时我们猜想那是新英格兰幽默的锋利之处。 - He could not, under the king's hard eye, ask straight out .
在金的锋利的目光下,他一下子问不出口来。 - His head cocked to one side, studying me with his penetrating eyes .
他歪着头,用他那锋利的目光仔细端详我。 - He liked fulbright, the play of his civilized mind and, bite of his language .
- 锋利的法语:形 1.tranchant;affilé(se dit d'un couteau,etc.) 2.pénétrant;mordant(se dit d'un style)
- 锋利的日语:(1)(刃物が)よく切れる,切れ味がよい. 锋利的钢刀/鋭利な刃物. (2)(言論や批評が)鋭い. 锋利泼辣 pōla 的笔调 bǐdiào /迫力があって鋭い筆法. 谈吐 tántǔ 锋利/言葉遣いが鋭い. 『比較』锋利:锐利 ruìlì “锋利”は,工具?武器?言論?文筆などについて形容し,“锐利”はそのほかに,眼光が鋭いことの形容ができる.
- 锋利的韩语:[형용사]【문어】 (1)(공구·무기 등의) 끝이 날카롭다. 锋利的匕首; 날카로운 비수 (2)(언론·문장 등이) 예리하다. 锋利的论调; 예리한 논조 谈吐锋利; 말이 날카롭다
- 锋利的俄语:[fēnglì] прям., перен. острый
- 锋利什么意思:fēnglì ①(工具、武器等)头尖或刃薄,容易刺入或切入物体:~的匕首。 ②(言论、文笔等)尖锐:谈吐~ㄧ~的目光。