However , he can ' t even lift his feet after tying bricks on them . therefore , his second attack fails before it starts 但是脚上绑了砖块以后,他的脚根本就抬不起来,因此他的第二次进攻还没出发就失败了。
“ timmy did a great job on the boards and i thought the whole team did well , ” said popovich . “ it was really an emphasis for us because they are so athletic and they score so much , we really couldn ' t afford to give them second - chance points “邓肯在篮板球上十分出色,而全队也表现不错”波波维奇说: “这绝对是一个我们必须重视的地方,他们的速度很快,得分能力非常强,要是再给他们第二次进攻的机会我们就完了。