夺取这座坚固堡垒的多次进攻 attempts to capture this wellprotected fortresss
两次 twice 缺席两次 be absent twice; 分两次 at twice; in twice; 两次运球 [篮球] double dribble
进攻 attack; assault; offensive 发起全面进攻 launch all-out offensive; 打退敌人的进攻 repel the enemy attack; 大举进攻 an all-out offensive; 进攻是最好的防御。 offensive is the best defence. 我们进攻获胜。 we are victorious in attack.; 进攻队形 attack formation; 进攻计划 scheme of attack; 进攻命令 order to attack
次进汽门 second compression ring; secondary intake valve; secondaryintakevalve
次进先出法 nifo next in first out; nifo next in, first out
British forces attacked it two times , but were defeated by the people of charleston . the third time , the british captured the city and held it for more than a year 英国军队曾两次进攻查尔斯顿,但是都被当地的人民击退。第三次,英军攻陷了这座城市并且占领了一年多。