- 开国 found a state
- 上将 general; air chief marshal; ...
- 美国上将奥马尔 bradley omar
- 开国 found a state◇开国纪念日 the founding anniversary of a nation; the national day
- 上将 general (陆军, 美空军); air chief marshal (英空军); admiral (海军)
- 开国大典 founding ceremony (of a state); inauguration
- 开国大将 da jiang
- 开国纪念日 the national day
- 开国时代 fabulous age
- 开国元帅 yuan shuai
- 开国元勋 a founding father of a country; a statesman who aided in laying the foundation of the monarchy; one who aided in forming a dynasty; the founder of the state
- 召开国会 convoke parliament
- 美国开国元勋 founding fathers of the united states
- 举国上下 the whole nation; everyone in the country; the whole nation from the leadership to the masses; the whole nation from top to bottom 举国上下团结一致。 there is solid unity throughout the nation
- 美国上尉 captain america
- 全国上下 the whole nation from the leadership to the masses
- 英国上议院 gilded chamber; house of lords
- 中国上海 aura gallery; cnsha shanghai; shanghai
- 倡议召开国际会议 propose the calling of an international conference
- 美国的开国先驱 the pilgrim fathers ie english puritans among the first european settlers in the usa
- 美国上诉法院 u.s. court of appeals; united states court of appeals
- 美国上尉凯利 captain carey usa
- 美国上线公司 aol
- 谁在法国上学 ing or ed
- 英国上诉法院 the english court of appeal