a founding father of a country; a statesman who aided in laying the foundation of the monarchy; one who aided in forming a dynasty; the founder of the state
倡议召开国际会议 propose the calling of an international conference
He was fascinated by the founding fathers . 他特别景仰的是开国元勋。
He also liked to remind people of his own descent from one of the signers of the declaration of independence . 他还喜欢提醒别人,签署了《独立宣言》的开国元勋之一是他的嫡系祖先。
While many of the founding fathers held strong religious beliefs , they recognized the danger of having an official state religion 虽然开国元勋之中有许多人有坚定的宗教信仰,他们也意识到建立一个正式的官方宗教的危险。
Our founders dedicated this country to the cause of human dignity , the rights of every person , and the possibilities of every life 我们的开国元勋们要求这个国家献身于维护人类尊严的事业- -即每一个人的权利和每一个生命的希冀。
Given this reality , and in order to find an appropriate balance of interests and a convergence of views , certain issues might be appropriate for a forward work program e . g 我国开国元勋班杰明富兰克林曾经说过:批评我们的人是我们的朋友,因为他们指出我们的缺点。
Microsoft co - founder paul allen also maintained his ranking - third - but saw his net worth fall to billion from . 2 billion . five relatives of the late sam walton , founder of wal - mart stores inc . , tied for fourth 排在第三位的仍然是保罗艾伦-微软公司的另一位开国元勋,但他的资产从282亿下降到210亿。
An oil canvas of george washington could become the most expensive american portrait ever sold at auction when it goes under the hammer later this week , auction house christie ' s said on tuesday 美国克里斯蒂拍卖行1月17日表示,他们定于本周晚些时候公开拍卖美国开国元勋乔治?华盛顿的一幅油画肖像,而该画作预计将会成为美国历史上拍卖成交价格最高的肖像画。
An oil canvas of george washington could become the most expensive american portrait ever sold at auction when it goes under the hammer later this week , auction house christie ' s said on tuesday 美国克里斯蒂拍卖行1月17日表示,他们定于本周晚些时候公开拍卖美国开国元勋乔治华盛顿的一幅油画肖像,而该画作预计将会成为美国历史上拍卖成交价格最高的肖像画。
An oil canvas of george washington could become the most expensive american portrait ever sold at auction when it goes under the hammer later this week , auction house christie ' s said on tuesday . the original 1779 painting by charles willson peale is expected to fetch between 10 million and 15 million , the auctioneer said in a statement 美国克里斯蒂拍卖行1月17日表示,他们定于本周晚些时候公开拍卖美国开国元勋乔治华盛顿的一幅油画肖像,而该画作预计将会成为美国历史上拍卖成交价格最高的肖像画。
开国元勋什么意思:kāiguó yuánxūn [elder statesmen or generals who participated in the founding of a new pioneer nation or dynasty] 原义是指为建立一个政权而立下大功的人,现在常用来比喻一个单位、一个事业的发起人与创办人 他也是我们公司的开国元勋