

  • enforcement body



  • 例句与用法
  • The experience of english accounting standards establishing and actualizing organization will help our country
  • The realization of accounting standards is decided , to a large extent , by the establishing and actualizing organization which is scientific and valid
  • The english accounting standards history has experienced three stages totally from the state of no establishing and actualizing organization to the state of having perfect organizational system
  • The trade interested persons of the import of used mechanical and electrical products shall actively assist the designated institutions in executing pre - inspections , and cooperate with the designated personnel in conducting pre - inspections
  • Some scholars still doubt whether it is feasible to regulate administrative monopoly in the anti - monopoly law . they believe that administrative monopoly is the problem of system , which can only be totally solved with the economic and political restructuring . however , as it is too harmful to the fair market competition , some economic transitional nations have covered it in their competition law
  • One thing to be mentioned most is golden orient keeps the following belief as its motto : the company ' s ultimate goal is to recommend right options , provide sensible advices and tailor appropriate plans of studying and personal development for the chinese future oversea students
  • Implementing schedule for ulteriorly strengthening liaohe geological logging co . ' s enterprise culture construction : establishing leading system and executing organization , reforming and re - constructing the existing enterprise culture , raising the goal of enterprise culture construction , adopting bylaws and intensifying time after time , utilizing good ethos to realize formulary , recurring to model character to realize personification , recurring to collective activity to realize common understanding etc . to develop well the enterprise culture
  • Every relation of law including the social security law has three elements . firstly , its subject includes the state or government , the social security enforcement bodies , business or individual economic organizations , the social members or laborers . secondly , its contents possess different law properties in the relationship of rights and duties
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
实施机构的英文翻译,实施机构英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译实施机构,实施机构的英文意思,實施機構的英文实施机构 meaning in English實施機構的英文实施机构怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
