- 实施 put into effect; implement; ...
- 机动 motor-driven; motorized flex ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 集团 group; clique; circle; ring; ...
- 实施机构 enforcement body
- 实施机制 implementation mechanism
- 实施机动以规避导弹的攻击 outmaneuver the missile
- 项目实施机构 project owner
- 机动的 automobile; automotive; flexible; maneuverable; mechanically driven; mechanically propelled; motor drawn; motor-driven; power operated; power-actuated; power-drawn; powerdriven; poweroperated; power-propelled; powered; self-propelled; self-propelling
- 实施机构, 执行机构 enforcement body
- 对等的集团 vis-a-vis group
- 美的集团 midea
- 核的集团模型 cluster model of nuclei
- 半机动的 semi mobile; semimobile; semimechanical
- 非机动的 non-maneuverable; non-powered; nonpropelled
- 高度机动的 highly maneuverable
- 机动的打法 moving play
- 机动的来源 mobile sources
- 从事某活动的集体 grouof people involved in a particular activity
- 机动的;发动机驱动的 engine-driven
- 自动的,机动的;汽车的 automotive
- 坚如磐石的集团 monolithic blocs
- 不机动的战术 standing play
- 机动的地面视察 mobile ground inspection
- 可机动的航天器 maneuverable spacecraft