- 渐渐 gradually; by degrees; littl ...
- 消失 disappear; vanish; dissolve; ...
- 植物 plant; flora; botany; stray; ...
- 相继 in succession; one after ano ...
- 枯 withered
- 死 die
- 渐渐消失 die away; die down; fade; melt; merge
- 渐渐消失,平息 die down
- 变弱;渐渐消失;平息 die away
- 渐渐变弱,(声音等)渐渐消失 die down
- 枯死 die back; exsciccation; kill
- 病痛等渐渐消失 wear off
- 脚步声渐渐消失了 the sound of footsteps gradually died away
- 逐渐消失;渐渐减少 wear off
- 渐渐沉下去,我消失不见 drifting down, i disappear
- 疼痛或影响渐渐消失 wear off
- 相继 in succession; one after another 相继而起 one event treads close on another; 相继而亡 die one after another; 相继发言 speak in succession; 三个花展一个接着一个相继举行。 three flower shows succeeded one another in quick succession
- 渐渐 gradually; by degrees; little by little; step by step; inch by inch; by inches begin to; get to; bit by bit; piece by piece; a bit at a time; fall to 渐渐地, 他晓得了它的重要性。 step by step, he knew the importance of it. 天气渐渐变冷了。 the weather is getting cold. 星星渐渐地从天空中消失了。 stars faded out from the sky. 脚步声渐渐消失了。 the sound of footsteps gradually died away. 表渐渐地达到了现在这样完美的程度。 it was little by little that the watch reached its present day perfection
- 当你对爱的恐惧渐渐消失的时候, and when your fears subside
- 看到你更崇高的志向渐渐消失 see your noble aspirations disappear one by one
- 入侵者看见灯罩的影子渐渐消失 the invader saw the shadow of the lampshade fade away
- 星星渐渐地从天空中消失了 stars faded out from the sky
- 绝种,枯死 die off
- 枯死木 dead and drying tree◇枯死木采伐 cutting for dry wood
- 枯死株 dead tree