- 怂恿 instigate; incite; egg sb. o ...
- 买 buy; purchase; ask for; get
- 更 more; still more; even more
- 贵 expensive; costly; dear
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 东西 thing
- 昂贵的东西 high line
- 珍贵的东西不易得 the best of friends must part
- 这是最宝贵的东西之一。 that's one of the things most precious
- 我无休止地花钱买昂贵的东西 i spend money on expensive things endlessly so the expenditure trends up
- 怂恿顾客买东西 encouraging customers to buy something
- x形的东西 ex
- 百数的东西 hundred
- 包含的东西 implicate
- 卑鄙的东西 what a despicable creature
- 卑鄙的东西! What a despicable creature!
- 被扎的东西 tie-up
- 笔直的东西 upright
- 必需的东西 requisite
- 别的东西 another; anything else; other things; something else; somethingelse
- 不同的东西 something different
- 掺假的东西 adulteration
- 超出的东西 more
- 陈腐的东西 cobweb
- 成对的东西 doublet; duad