俎上之肉 a piece of meat on the chopping board -- a helpless victim; the flesh which is on the chopping block; the meat on a platter
籴 Ⅰ动词(买进粮食) buy in (grain)Ⅱ名词(姓氏) a surname 籴丰 di feng
俎 名词1.(古代祭祀时盛祭品的器具) an ancient sacrificial utensil or vessel2.(古代割肉类用的砧板) a kind of chopping block used in ancient times:刀俎chopper and the chopping block3.(姓氏) a surname 俎远 zu yuan
His flow of love becomes spontaneous , generous , without any tinge of attachment , possession or any return . the person becomes ageless - a hollow personality . now let us see what happens inside 他的爱自然地流露慷慨大量无牵无挂不计较得失,然而他在物质上却异常顺利,这个人青春不老,成为神?克里希纳shri krishna行事的管龠。