- crack initiation
- first crack
- initiation of cracks
- 龟裂 be full of cracks chap
- 开始 begin; start; initiate; comm ...
- 龟裂开口位移 cod (= crack opening displacement)
- 裂开 breach; fissuration; hiascent; bona-breaking; bursting; effracture; rending; rupture; spalling; tearing; cracking; dehiscence
- 龟裂 1.(土地干裂) (of parched earth) be full of cracks2.(皮肤干裂) (of skin) chap◇龟裂地面 polygonal ground
- 对裂开 split across
- 环裂开 ring scission
- 键裂开 bond scission
- 裂开处 cleavage
- 裂开的 ceasmic; chapped; cleft; cloven; cracky; dehiscent; fissured; fissus
- 裂开后 after separation
- 裂开面 cleavage piston; cleavage plane; parting plane; plane of cleavage
- 醚裂开 ether cleavage
- 面裂开 facial cleft
- 破开;裂开 break open
- 破裂,裂开 rupture
- 使裂开 crack; disjection
- 桶裂开 drum rupture
- 大龟裂 mud cracking
- 冻龟裂 frost polygon; frost-crack polygon
- 古龟裂 fossil polygon
- 龟裂,裂纹 cracking; crazing
- 龟裂;开裂 cracking
- 龟裂;裂缝 chink
- 龟裂的 chappy; fissured; frustose; polygonal; rimose; septarian