

音标:[ guīsuō ]   发音:
  • huddle up like a turtle drawing in its head and legs; withdraw into passive defense; hole up; 敌人龟缩在几个孤立的据点里。 the enemy was holed up in a few isolated strongholds



  • 例句与用法
  • The enemy was holed up in a few isolated strongholds .
  • They sighted the wigwan which was nothing more than an old two-story farmhouse snuggled against a rise of ground behind it .
  • A lot of teams would have folded , but we kept passing the ball and we were always confident
  • " i would like to see them have a go at us and then we can play them on the counter attack because even at 1 - 0 down they did n ' t come out or try to do anything , " said henry
    “我希望他们在自己的主场压出来打, ”亨利赛后表示, “在今天的比赛中,对方即使在0 : 1落后的情况下也还是龟缩防守,没有任何进取心。
  • Just prior to the opener , sinclair had forced the french keeper into a save with a shot from a tight angle and two crosses from the chelsea youngster created england ' s other best chances in the first - half , the second after a bertrand ball forward
  • The united states , as the most powerful country in the world , has extremely important strategic benefits and significance in the asia - pacific region , not only in the aspects of politics and economy , but also in that of military and safety
    俄罗斯仍将处于“战略龟缩期” ,日本在美日同盟的关系中处于依附地位,东盟作为中小国家的联合体,在关乎国家安全等关键问题上仅发挥着边缘性的作用,所以它们在亚太事务中都不可能起主导作用。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 龟缩的法语:动 se renfermer en soi-même;se terrer;se cacher
  • 龟缩的日语:(カメが頭を甲の中に入れるように)縮こまる,引っ込む,小さくなる. 敌人龟缩在工事里不敢出来/敵は要塞の中に引っ込んで出てくる勇気がない.
  • 龟缩的韩语:[명사]【전용】 움츠리다. 숨다. 들어박히다.
  • 龟缩的俄语:[guīsuō] прятаться; отсиживаться
  • 龟缩什么意思:guīshō 比喻像乌龟的头缩在甲壳内一样,射藏在里面不出来:敌军~在碉堡里。
  • 推荐英语阅读
龟缩的英文翻译,龟缩英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译龟缩,龟缩的英文意思,龜縮的英文龟缩 meaning in English龜縮的英文龟缩怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
