Filter of abstraction technics for turtleback 龟甲的提取工艺筛选
How does she feelabout tortoise shell 她觉得龟甲装怎样?
With his right hand in his pocket he moved across to the window 街心处一只龟甲猫正在追逐着一片败叶。 ”
Turtle a : “ do you know what the residents of the mountain on our back are doing all the time 龟甲:你知道我们背上那座山里的居民们一天到晚在干什麽吗?
Make carbon to a turtleback excuse me 14 determine how many fee to need ? how to apply for , what is there relevant formalities 请问对一个龟甲做碳十四测定需要多少费用?如何申请,有什么相关手续
The oracle - bone scripture got its name because it was engraved on tortoiseshells or beast bones , which more than 1 , 700 among 4 , 600 ancient chinese characters have already been interpreted or cracked 甲骨文因其刻在龟甲或兽骨上而得名,在四千六百多个甲骨文单字中,已经破释了一千七百多个。
This paper discusses how to improve large taper lining , the steel - fibre liningis improved to be tortoise - shell net structure , to avoid the lining drop and remove a hidden danger 摘要阐述了将沉降器大型锥体衬里由钢纤维单层衬里改造为龟甲网加耐火浇注料结构,避免了衬里脱落,消除了安全生产隐患。
The oldest known chinese characters were found on this 3 , 000 - year - old oracle bone inscription . the strokes are generally thin , like children ' s sketches , and the size varies 距今3千多年前的甲骨文是我们目前已知最早的汉字,由于它是用刀刻在龟甲兽骨上的,所以字形有大有小,笔道很细,每个字都像是一幅小孩子画的画。
The tortoise shells , the carrier of shang people ' s tortoise faith , are the fountainhead of " ya ( 亚 ) " forms by conjoining the form and culture meanings of " ya ( 亚 ) " with the tortoise - faith of the shang dynasty 从“亚”形的外形特征与文化蕴含的角度并结合殷商的灵龟信仰来分析,商代人灵龟信仰载体的龟甲可以构成“亚”形的源头。
This composite pipe has its shell constructed with metal with brackets by point welding u - shape tortoise shell network in the inner wall and stuffed with rare earth wearable materials making the pipe enjoy better anti - eroding and wear resistant capability 本产品是以金属为壳体,管内壁点焊u型或工型龟甲网作为支架,龟甲网内填充稀土耐磨材料的复合管道,具有更好的抗耐磨、抗冲刷性能。