Treatment depends on the specific cause that can vary from case to case 治疗龟头炎的方法是要针对发炎的原因,因此会因人而异。
Consult a doctor if you experience any signs of balanitis or have any suspicions 如你有以上龟头炎的征状或存有疑虑,便应请教医生。
How can i prevent it ? good personal hygiene can prevent most cases of balanitis 大部份情况下,龟头炎是可透过良好的个人卫生习惯预防的。
It is a common condition that can occur in both circumcised and uncircumcised men 龟头炎是个常见的情况,无论有否割除包皮的男士都可以患上此症。
Investigation on species and drug susceptibility of the clinic isolates from candidal balanoposthitis 念珠菌性包皮龟头炎的致病菌种及其药敏试验分析
Men with certain diseases ( such as diabetic mellitus ) will be more susceptible to balanitis 另外,患有某些疾病(例如糖尿病)的男士是比较容易患上龟头炎的。
For uncircumcised men who have a tight , difficult to retract foreskin with repeated bouts of balanitis , circumcision may be considered 若龟头炎经常复发,而患者的包皮又难以翻开清洗,那便要考虑是否需要进行切割包皮手术。
But uncircumcised men are more at risk for balanitis due to the presence of foreskin . the environment under the foreskin is warm and moist , and these conditions often favour the growth of the organisms that cause balanitis 但相比之下,仍以没有割除包皮的男士患上龟头炎的机会较大,因为包皮内潮湿温暖的环境下较易引起龟头炎的细菌生长。