like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing -- lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy; beautiful penmanship; elegant handwriting; exquisite calligraphy; flourish one's pen quickly and dexterously; make beautiful strokes with one's pen; swift movement of calligraphy; the long hand was just like dragons flying and a phoenix dancing -- the lively style of penmanship
The characters " long " ( dragon ) and " feng " ( phoenix ) are written so wonderfully that the calligraphy study committee commented it as " the precious treasure of ancient calligraphy " “龙凤”二字像形,运笔如神,气贯长虹,龙飞凤舞,栩栩如生。被东南亚汉字书法研究会称为“古书法之珍宝” 。
Emba 993 wu ming contributed his own collection - a chinese painting work dancing of dragon and phoenix by the abbot of hanshan temple . it was knocked down by the guest , mr . wang guanggui , at rmb 5 , 500 由吴名校友贡献拍品:寒山寺住持秋爽的一幅字画《龙飞凤舞》 ,由嘉宾王广贵以rmb5500元拍下该幅字画。
Without realising it , i thought of these melodious words . i also suddenly realised this was no time to rest , but somehow i stopped my pen , temporarily interrupting my eloquent writing 不知怎的,我的脑海中忽然想起这首耳熟能详的旋律。虽然也知道现在可不是悠闲的时候,但是不自觉地,我停下笔,暂时止住了试卷上的龙飞凤舞。
龙飞凤舞的法语:1.beau paysage de hautes montagnes 2.belle calligraphie dont les traits sont vigoureux et coulants