豌豆龙须菜 green peas with a aragus; green peas with asparagus
鲜蘑龙须菜 mushromm and sparagus; saute a aragus with straw mushrooms; saute asparagus with straw mushrooms
蟹肉龙须菜 saute crab meat and a aragus; saute crab meat and asparagus
奶油龙须菜汤 cream of a aragus soup; cream of asparagus soup; creamed asparagus soup; asparagus soup with cream; creamed asparagus soup; asparagus soup with cream
Comparison with several methods to isolate epiphytic bacteria from gracilaria lemaneiformis rhodophyta 龙须菜体表附生细菌的几种分离方法比较
No amount of fairtrade coffee will eliminate poverty , and all the organic asparagus in the world will not save the planet 就算公平贸易咖啡再多也不能消除贫困,就算世界上都是有机龙须菜也无法拯救地球。