- 龙王 the Dragon King; the God of ...
- 剧 theatrical work; drama; play ...
- 龙王 the dragon king; the god of rain in chinese mythology
- 国王剧院 king's theatre
- 海龙王 a walking with dinosaurs special - sea monsters; dorrie
- 火龙王 lv 80 boss
- 加龙王 rajah jarom
- 恐龙王 kyoryu-king
- 龙王 敖广 ao guang
- 龙王集 longwangji
- 龙王鲸 basilosaurus; zeuglodon
- 龙王咀 longwangzui
- 龙王龙 dracorex
- 龙王庙 dragon king temple; longwangmiao
- 龙王石 pure white onux l-gnini
- 龙王堂 longwangtang
- 龙王杖 i03e
- 龙王町 ryūō, shiga
- 乌龙王 king of blunders
- 跋难陀龙王 upananda, king
- 东海龙王 dragon king
- 海龙王总汇 seafood medley
- 虎斑恐龙王 tsuyoshi dōmoto
- 雷龙王国 druk tsendhen
- 龙王大拼盘 the dragon-king appetizer platter the dragon-king appetizer plate; the dragon-king appetizer platter/the dragon-king appetizer plate