This report described a case of distraction osteogenesis prior to dental implants for prosthetic rehabilitation 本报告即是提出在植体值入前,利用牵引骨化术增加齿槽骨体积以完成植体补缀治疗的病例。
Bone grafting procedures are necessary prior to placing dental implants in severe vertically and horizontally atrophyic ridges 摘要在垂直与水平方向有严重齿槽骨缺损的病例当中,将人工植体植入前的骨移植手术是必要过程。
This case demonstrates that distraction osteogenesis can be an effective treatment alternative to regain the vertical bone height in severely resorbed edentulous ridge 本病例显示牵引骨化术对于垂直齿槽骨严重吸情况是另一种有效的治疗选项。
For an orthodontic case with the discrepancy of the discoordination between the length of palate bone and tooth size or for a case with skeletal discrepancy of the unsymmetry upper and lower jaw in their size and position , the most common treatment is to extract the upper ahd lower first or the second premolar 摘要一般矫正治疗,对于齿槽骨和牙齿大小长度总和的不调和或上下颚骨骨骼性大小、位置不对称,其处置原则通常都以上下颚第一小臼齿或第二小臼齿等4齿做为拔除对象来进行矫正治疗。
The advantages of this modified technique can be stated as follows : ( 1 ) healing was apparently faster . ( 2 ) postoperative pain was minimal . ( 3 ) depth of vestibular fornix was increased markedly . ( 4 ) frenum and muscle attachment pull almost completely relieved . ( 5 ) there was less possibility of exposing a dehiscence or creating bone 1055 on adjacent teeth . ( 6 ) a function - ally adequate zone of attached gingiva was numerically increased 本改良法的优点,可归纳以下几点: ( 1 )手术伤口愈合快( 2 )术后疼痛小( 3 )口腔前庭宽度明显增加( 4 )颊系常及肌肉的拉扯,几乎获得完全改善( 5 )不易引起手术区周围齿槽骨的裂开缺损( 6 )固著性齿龈宽度的增加至为明显。