齿连接 notch and tooth joint; number of sampling; reducing coefficient of shearing strength for notch and tooth connection
The upper and lower jaws possess straight tooth rows and the jaw arches are almost rectangular in shape . 上、下颌具有直的齿列,而颌弓几乎呈直角形。
Do you think i need braces 你觉得我需要做齿列矫正吗?
Prefabrication of dental crowns for primary dentition and permanent young molars 制造主要齿列和臼齿牙冠。
Class i occlusion with coordinated dental midline was obtained 治疗后两年追踪观察,齿列情况稳定,外观有良好的改善。
Facial asymmetry and canting dentition are commonly observed at orthodontic clinic 摘要颜面及齿列歪斜为矫正门诊中常见的问题。
An impacted maxillary canine is a frequently encountered clinical problem in the mixed dentition 摘要上颚阻生犬齿是混合齿列期常遇见的问题。
This case report provided the non - retentive telescopic denture treatment for severe attritted dentition due to parafunctional habits of bruxism and loss of posterior teeth support 本病例讨论对于因磨牙与后牙丧失而造成之严重磨耗齿列,以双重冠义齿的治疗方式提高咬合高度并恢复齿列外观。
After maxillary protraction and mandibular retraction with occipito - mental anchorage ( oma ) appliance on first stage , the patient was successfully treated with fixed orthodontic appliance with modified multiple loop edgewise archwire ( meaw ) and asymmetric elastics 本病例报告为一12岁女孩,主诉下颚前突及偏斜,经第一阶段以功能性颚骨矫正将上颚拉出及抑制下颚骨生长;第二阶段使用全口固定式矫正装置,以改良式meaw在3 ~ 4个月内改善齿列正中线,以及修正偏斜的下颚。