- crown to crossing point distance
- 齿 tooth
- 冠 put on a hat precede with; c ...
- 到 39
- 交点 crossover point; intersectio ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 距离 distance; range; gap; space; ...
- 交点的 nodal; nodical
- 根锥顶至相错点的距离 root apex beyond cro ing point; root apex beyond crossing point; rootapexbeyondcro ingpoint
- 齿冠距离 addendum distance; addeneum distance
- 自峰顶至计算停车点的距离 crest-to-clearance distance
- 保持…的距离 keep…at harm’s length
- 不远的距离 shouting distance
- 打球的距离 range of shot
- 公布的距离 declared distance
- 很短的距离 walking distance
- 很远的距离。 country mile
- 集的距离 distance between sets
- 间的距离 narrow the gabetween
- 降落的距离 distance through which sb/sth falls or descends
- 旅行的距离 the length of a journey
- 钮眼的距离 button hole distance
- 球间的距离 interglobal distance
- 三米的距离 tre metri sopra cielo
- 跳跃的距离 leap
- 投石的距离 stonecast