

  • hans zimmer
  • zehmer
  • ziemer
  • zimmer



  • 例句与用法
  • Zimmerman said they did not take to life underground
  • An 89 - year - old retired construction worker this month began advertising cave stays in east - central idaho for 5 per night , or 25 a month
  • If you ' d like to order , you can phone our sales department 748 - 793 - 0009 between 9 am and 5 pm ( u . s central time ) and ask for mr . steven zimmerman
    如你方愿意订购,可在早上9点到晚上5点之间(美国中部时间)打电话748 - 793 - 0009至我方销售部,找史蒂文齐默曼先生联系。
  • Richard zimmerman , also known as " dugout dick , " said his dwellings can double as bomb shelters and serve as mining sites for people who bring their own picks
  • Christoph zimmer told the associated press on tuesday that the man asked for the 60 , 000 - swiss - franc ( about $ 50 , 000 ) bill to be sent to gucci
  • Christoph zimmer told the associated press on tuesday that the man asked for the 60 , 000 - swiss - franc about 50 , 000 bill to be sent to gucci . " we ' ve spoken to gucci and apologized for the mistake , " zimmer said
  • Bullying can now be added “ to the list of potential negative consequences of excessive television viewing along with obesity , inattention and other types of aggression , ” said frederick zimmerman who led the research
  • Miraculously preserved in the beautiful setting of an alpine valley , the church of wies ( 174554 ) , the work of architect dominikus zimmermann , is a masterpiece of bavarian rococo exuberant , colourful and joyful
  • This essay expounds the structure and the functioning mode of self - regulated learning abilities in maths learning processes . in the light of the theory of self - monitoring learning ability cultivation in maths learning processes and zimmerman ' s cyclic model of self - regulated learning , the author had undertaken several practical experiments in order to explore the possibilities of improving students " maths learning abilities through training of self - monitoring abilities
  • 推荐英语阅读
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