- 齐声 in chorus; in unison
- 大声抗议 cry/scream/shout blue murder
- 大声抗议,捶胸顿足。 breast-beating
- 声抗 acoustic reactance
- 比声抗 specific acoustic reactance; specific acoustical reactance
- 负声抗 negative acoustical reactance
- 声抗比 acoustic reactance ratio
- 声抗率 specific acoustic reactance; specificacousticalreactance; unit area acoustic reactance
- 机齐声 set noise
- 齐声说 chorus n./vt
- 比声抗 声比抗 specificacousticalreactance
- 弹性声抗 elastic acoustical reactance; elastic reactance; elasticacousticalreactance
- 传声齐声 microphone noise
- 放大齐声 amplifier noise
- 检测齐声 detector noise
- 齐声附和 second with one voice
- 齐声高呼 hail with one voice
- 齐声歌唱 sing in unison
- 齐声喝采 praise in chorus
- 齐声喝彩 cheer in chorus
- 齐声哼唱 humming chorus
- 齐声欢唱 id like to teach the world to sing