Results adenoids were removed completely in each patient and no damage was caused in normal nasopharynx asructures 结果腺样体切除彻底,术后无出血,无残体存留,鼻咽部结构良好,咽鼓管无损伤。
Objective to observe the effect of flushing nasopharynx of npc patients with the chinese medicine liquid to protect and treat the adverse reaction of the radiotherapy 摘要目的观察中药液冲洗对鼻咽癌患者进行鼻咽部放疗后所产生毒副作用的疗效。
Original conceal takes the advantage of empty in the virus of nose pharynx ministry , bacteria and enter , many breed rises , cause a cold or cause bronchitic wait for a disease 原来潜伏在鼻咽部的病毒、病菌就趁虚而入,并大量繁殖起来,引起感冒或诱发支气管炎等疾病。
Some moment bacteria also can pass path of bowel of nose pharynx ministry , the upper respiratory tract , skin , mucous membrane , stomach to pass blood - vessel or the lymphatic organization all round to enter a head , cause meningitis 有的时候细菌也可以通过鼻咽部、上呼吸道、皮肤、粘膜、胃肠道通过血管或四周的淋巴组织进入脑,引起脑膜炎。
Subtle changes , such as polyps in the early stages , can easily be identified . purulent secretions are seen streaming here from the maxillary sinus ostium posteriorally towards the nasopharynx . posteriorally , medial to the tail of the middle turbinate , the ostium of the sphenoid sinus may be identified 能很容易的发现类似早期息肉等微小的病变,还可以显示脓性分泌物从上颌窦口向后流向鼻咽部和后方的中鼻甲的后段和蝶窦的开口。
They together constitute a complete expert team , which further improve the medical level . especially the center achieved substantial breakthrough in nasopharyngeal cancer field by tracking the patients states . at present the nasopharyngeal cancer task goes well and tracking never stops 多年来,伽玛刀中心在临床治疗研究方面取得多项科研成果,特别是在伽玛刀治疗鼻咽癌和鼻咽部纤维血管瘤领域取得了重大突破,撰写的50多篇论文在省级国家级专业学术杂志上刊登发表。
Additionally the oldest patient cured 92 , and youngest , 6 years old epilepsy . the director , duan guangyuan , graduated from shanghai military medicine university with years of clinical experience in three - dimensional directional irradiation therapy ; deputy director and vice chief physician luo guanghua , engaged in neurosurgery field and with rich experience , published lots of articles at key national journals . the center retains 4 experts : professor zhang zhenjun from beijing recovery center imaging branch , professor liao xiaoping , director of internal nerve and vice president of hainan provincial hospital ; professor zhu guangyi , pundit of facial feature in hainan province and associate professor chen xianzhao , an expert in irradiation field in hainan province 该中心成立于1999年6月,聘请神经外科耳鼻喉科放疗科等科室专家来中心坐诊,临床治疗由一批经验丰富的副高以上职称的神经外科医生担任,开业以来共收治患者数千例,治疗病种多达20余种,其中病人最大年92岁垂体瘤,最小年1 . 2岁鼻咽部血管纤维瘤,通过对治疗后的病人随访,发现伽玛刀具有疗效显著,安全,副作用少等特点。