Compared with other kinds of ore deposits , zinc - tennantite is a kind of typomorphic mineral in the altai mineralization province and is useful for the exploration of volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits 与其他各类矿床相比,锌砷黝铜矿是阿舍勒黝铜矿的主要类型,也是阿尔泰成矿带的主要黝铜矿类型。
The main metals mineral are chalcopyrite , the next clinohedrite , alpha chalcocite bornite , malachite and azurite . a little amount blende , galena incidentally ryby silver , bismuth 矿石中主要金属矿物为黄铜矿、其次为黝铜矿、兰辉铜矿、斑铜矿及铜的氧化物孔雀石、蓝铜矿。闪锌矿、方铅矿少量,偶见淡红银矿、硫酸钮矿。
According to the electron probe analyses and other data , some conclusions have been reached as follows : the modes of occurrence of associated silver include minerals of stephanite , bromargyrite , ag - sb - tetrahedrite , electrum etc . , which occur as small grains among or between fe - mn minerals 利用电子探针等测试方法对锰矿石中伴生银的赋存状态进行研究,初步查明银主要是以脆银矿、溴角银矿、银锑黝铜矿、银金矿等矿物形式存在,呈微小颗粒状被包裹于铁锰矿物内或矿物间隙里。
In the main ( no . ) orebody , it is characterized by high as content but low sb , in no . orebody , it is characterized by high sb content but low as ; in both orebodies , it is characterized by high zn content and insignificant temporal and spatial variations of chemical compositions 在以铜为主的主矿体(号矿体)中,黝铜矿几乎均属锌砷黝铜矿,含银甚低,其化学成分在时空分布上变化不大且无显著的变化规律,不同类型矿石之间黝铜矿的成分变化也不大;但在以铅锌为主的次要的号矿体中黝铜矿含一定量的银。
The gangue minerals are mostly carbonating minerals , fluorite , barite , celestite and so on ; the rock alteration is slightly silicified , carbonated , baritizated , celestited , which is low - temperature alteration . because of continual downgoing extrusion from india plate to euro - asian plate , there are some thrusting nappe structures in lanping basin related to the orogens on the two sides 矿床中矿石矿物发育典型的中低温热液成因的矿物组合,如黝铜矿系列、方铅矿、黄铜矿等,脉石矿物主要为碳酸盐类矿物、萤石、重晶石、天青石等;围岩蚀变主要发育弱硅化、碳酸盐化、重晶石化、天青石化等低温蚀变组合。