Lupin will not reoccupy his role as defense against the dark arts teacher 卢平不会重回霍格沃兹作为黑魔法防御术的教师
I ' ll come out and say that tonks probably would make a very fine defense against the dark arts professor 我要说唐克斯可能会是个不错的黑魔法防御术老师。
Percy weasley : potions . but he fancies the dark arts . he ' s been after quirrell ' s job for years 珀西?韦斯莱:魔药学。但他最感兴趣的是黑魔法防御术。他早就像接下奎诺的工作了。
Well , not until a certain git by the name of lockhart took over as defence against the dark arts teacher , at any rate 呵呵,直到有天有个叫洛哈特的饭桶当了黑魔法防御术老师,情况就不同啦。
Rubeus hagrid : hello , professor . i didn ' t see you . harry , this is professor quirrell will be your defense against the dark arts teacher 鲁伯?海格:哈喽,教授。刚才没看到你。哈利,这位是奎诺教授,霍格沃茨的黑魔法防御术老师。
My ninth and last point is that the defense against the dark arts teacher remains for only one year , and then leaves in some spectacularly dramatic fashion 我的第九点,也是最后一点:黑魔法防御术教师只能当一年,离开时场景都非常戏剧化。
" yeah . . . yeah , now umbridge has left , obviously we need a new defense against the dark arts teacher , don ' t we ? so , er , what ' s he like ? “是啊… …是啊,现在乌姆里奇走了,我们的黑魔法防御术显然需要一位新老师,对不对?那么,嗯,他长得什么样儿? ”
Before leaving for school , harry will encounter or hear about someone who will be the new defense against the dark arts teacher ( this has happened in each book so far ) 在离开学校以前,哈利将遇到或听到关于某个会成为新的黑魔法防御术教师的人的传闻(这已经在出版过的每部书里发生了) 。
Barty crouch ' s part of this plan was to take polyjuice potion to impersonate mad - eye moody , who was to become the new defence against the dark arts instructor at hogwarts that year 计划的一部分是小巴蒂?克劳奇用复方汤剂转变成那年将在霍格沃兹新上任的黑魔法防御术课程的教师? ?疯眼汉穆迪。
The ratio changed when umbridge became defense against the dark arts professor in op - but only until dumbledore brought in firenze after the sacking of trelawney 在《凤凰社》里,这个平衡因乌姆里奇担任黑魔法防御术教师而偏斜但等邓布利多在特里劳妮被辞之后让费伦泽教占卜课时,这个平衡又恢复了。