

  • rason



  • 例句与用法
  • The priest wore an explorer ' s boots and helmet , and a rough linen cassock darned in square patches like a sail , and he spoke at the same time that the baby cried and always as if he were in the pulpit
  • A reuters photographer saw him in a popular shopping mall inthecentre of the capital manama all in black , with sunglasses , gloves , a veil covering his face and dressed in an abaya , orfull - lengthrobe - but with mens shoes peeping out below
  • A reuters photographer saw him in a popular shopping mall in the centre of the capital manama all in black , with sunglasses , gloves , a veil covering his face and dressed in an abaya , or full - length robe - but with men ' s shoes peeping out below
  • It may be supposed , then , franz did not wait for a repetition of this permission , but took off the handkerchief , and found himself in the presence of a man from thirty - eight to forty years of age , dressed in a tunisian costume - that is to say , a red cap with a long blue silk tassel , a vest of black cloth embroidered with gold , pantaloons of deep red , large and full gaiters of the same color , embroidered with gold like the vest , and yellow slippers ; he had a splendid cashmere round his waist , and a small sharp and crooked cangiar was passed through his girdle
  • 推荐英语阅读
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