The evening was pitch-dark, stars and the moon were quenched in gray rain-clouds . 这天晚上,黑咕隆咚的星星和月亮都被灰蒙蒙的雨云盖住了。
The little house there behind you is dark and empty 你身后的小房子黑咕隆咚,空空荡荡, ”
I ll tell you the right time up a dark lane 咱们到一条黑咕隆咚的小巷去,我就告诉你准确的时间。
The room was dark 房间里黑咕隆咚的。
Fellow might damn easy get a nasty fall there coming along tight in the dark 谁要是喝得烂醉黑咕隆咚地走到这儿,会很容易就摔个跟头。
And for goodness ' sake , don ' t drive down a dark road with burned - out headlights or taillights 务必记住,不要黑着大灯或尾灯开到黑咕隆咚的路上。
Not liking to sit in the cold and darkness , i thought i would lie down on my bed , dressed as i was 我不喜欢那么冷丝丝黑咕隆咚地坐着,心想虽然穿好了衣服,倒还是躺在床上的好。
He would have tossed and fidgeted , as his nerves demanded , but he was afraid he might wake sid . so he lay still , and stared up into the dark 他很想顺应神经的要求,翻翻身,动一动,可是他害怕吵醒希德,于是他一动不动地躺着,两眼直愣愣地盯着黑咕隆咚的夜空。
I was , stephen said with energy and growing fear . out here in the dark with a man i don t know raving and moaning to himself about shooting a black panther “是啊, ”斯蒂芬越来越感到恐怖,热切地说, “黑咕隆咚地在郊外,跟一个满口胡话哼哼卿卿要射杀一只黑豹的陌生人呆在一块儿。