鸭甲型肝炎病毒 dhav duck hepatitis a virus; duck hepatitis a virus
鸭骨菜汤 duck bone souwith vegetables; duck soup with vegetable
Put the duck pieces on a rack in a saucepan , drop in the taros , duck head , neck and legs , add duck soup , seasonings and sweet fermented flour sauce fried with white sugar . fry scallion ginger and wild pepper in 6 - fold hot oil till the flavor comes out , pour the oil into the saucepan with the duck , stew over a low heat for an hour , remove the duck to a dish 将鸭原样铲入锅垫上,放入芋头、鸭头、脖、腿等置锅内,加鸭汤、调料和炒好的白糖甜面酱;再将葱、姜、花椒放6成热油中呛锅出味,把油倒入鸭锅,用慢火煨1小时,放入盘内,勾芡浇在鸭上即成。
Put the duck pieces on a rack in a saucepan , drop in the taros , duck head , neck and legs , add duck soup , seasonings and sweet fermented flour sauce fried with white sugar . fry scallion ginger and wild pepper in 6 - fold hot oil till the flavor comes out , pour the oil into the saucepan with the duck , stew over a low heat for an hour , remove the duck to a dish 将鸭原样铲入锅垫上,放入芋头鸭头脖腿等置锅内,加鸭汤调料和炒好的白糖甜面酱再将葱姜花椒放6成热油中呛锅出味,把油倒入鸭锅,用慢火煨1小时,放入盘内,勾芡浇在鸭上即成。