He sat on a float that the whale could have smashed with a flip of her tail . 他坐在一个浮筒上,如果鲸鱼把尾巴一甩就能把浮筒碰个粉碎。
The beak of a shovellerduck is a more beautiful and complex structure than the mouth of a whale . 琵嘴鸭的嘴的构造,较鲸鱼的嘴更为巧妙复杂。
To return to franklin, this didactically waggish man blandly assured english readers that it was grand to see the whales leap like salmon up the falls of niagara . 再回过来说好训人,喜谐谑的富兰克林,可不动声色地使欧洲人相信鲸鱼象鲑鱼那样跳过尼亚加拉瀑布,真可谓蔚为大观。
This is neat . those whales are circling something 很好,那些鲸鱼在绕着一些东西
He said save the whales what the fuck is he talkin ' about 他在胡说什么救鲸鱼
Whales have a language of squeaks and clicks 鲸鱼用吱吱声和卡答声来传情达意。
[ chuckles ] sift in a cup ofipowdered whale heart 往杯中撒用鲸鱼心脏做的粉末
I can smell the fragrance of the whales 鲸鱼的歌声响彻云霄我可以闻到鲸鱼的芳香
- write about the talking whale . - what whale -写写那条会说话的鲸鱼-什么鲸鱼