The stomach is a large pouch located high in the abdominal cavity . 胃是一只位于腹腔高处的大袋。
The young chimpanzees(perhaps two or three of them)safely lodged in the branches up above . 幼猩猩(或许有两三只)则安全地睡在高处的树枝上。
for the overpressure, here p is the overpressure at altitude and is that at sea-level. 关于超压力,此处P是指在高处的超压力;是海平面上的超压力。
From their observation posts on the heights the enemy could direct their guns on all movement in the valleys below . 从设在高处的监视哨所以用炮火控制下面山谷中一切行动。
The sun had gone behind the hill, and shadows were clinging to the earth, the sky above was full of travelling light . 夕阳已在山后西沉,大地笼罩在黑暗之中,只是高处的天穹上尚留几丝余辉。
When a blackbird chanced to sing in the upper branches it was as if some angelic being had dropped down out of the sky into that green translucent cloud of leaves . 一只画眉刚巧在高处的树枝中轻啼妙啭的时候,就仿佛是一位天使从天而降,落到那微微透明的绿叶丛中。
This high window overlooks half the city 从这个高处的窗口可以俯瞰半个城市。
The lantern hanging overhead swung in the wind 吊在高处的灯在风中摇动。
He ' s pasturing his cattle on the top meadow 他正在高处的草地上放牛。