- 骨 bone
- 钩 hook
- 钩骨钩 hamular process of unciform bone; hamulus hook of hamate; hamulus of hamate bone; hamulus of hamatebone; hook of hamate bone; uncus of hamate bone
- 肋骨钩 rib hook
- 泪骨钩 hamulus lacrimalis; lacrimal hamulus; lacrimalis hamulus
- 颅骨钩 skull hook
- 筛骨钩 processus uncinatus ossis ethmoidalis
- 剔骨钩 boning hook
- 钩骨钩骨折 fracture of hamulus of hamate bone
- 钩骨钩突 uncinate process of unciform bone
- 泪骨钩突 hamular process of lacrimal bone; uncinate process of lacrimal bone
- 筛骨钩突 bamate process of ethmoid bone; greater process of ethmoid bone; hamulus of ethmoid bone; uncinate process of ethmoid bone
- 锁骨钩钢板 chp; clavicular hook plate
- 椎骨钩突 uncinate process of vertebra
- 腭钩,筛骨钩 palatine hamulus
- 蝶骨钩突,翼突钩 hamular process of sphenoid bone
- 布路门巴赫突,筛骨钩突 process of blumenbach
- 骨箍紧身甲 boned corselet
- 骨弓或称骨弧 arcades
- 骨鼓传导 osteotympanic conduction
- 骨供者 bone donor
- 骨骨膜的 osteoperiosteal
- 骨功能 bone function
- 骨骨膜炎 osteoperiostitis
- 骨梗死 infarct of bone
- 骨固定 phalangeal set