- [书面语] enumerative; numerous
- 骈 parallel; antithetical
- 阗 fill; be full of
- 骈骊 art of parallelism
- 骈俪 characterized by parallel constructions
- 骊 1.[书面语] (纯黑色的马) black horse2.(姓氏) a surname 骊腾 li teng
- 骈指法 pinch needle method
- 骊歌 auld lang syne; farewell song
- 骈枝机构 superfluous structure
- 骊七 rishichi
- 骈枝 [书面语]1.(多长出的一个大拇指或小拇指) double toe or finger2.(多余的, 不必要的) superfluous◇骈枝机构 superfluous structure
- 骊山 li shan
- 骈文 rhythmical prose characterized by parallelism and ornateness
- 骈阗的日语:〈書〉多く並べる.混雑.
- 骈阗的韩语:【문어】 (1)[동사] 모으다. 나열하다. (2)[형용사] 수가 많다.
- 骈阗的俄语:pinyin:piántián см. 駢田
- 骈阗什么意思:pián tián 〈书〉聚集;罗列;众多:士女~。也作骈填、骈田。