- rhythmical prose style, marked by parallelism and ornateness
- 骈体吹塑法 siamese blow
- 骈拇枝指 an extra thumb -- superfluous growth; an outgrowth from one's thumb or other fingers; something extraneous and useless
- 骈头联胎 bicephalus; dicephalus
- 骈联体密码 doublet code
- 骈文 rhythmical prose characterized by parallelism and ornateness
- 骈联体 doublet
- 骈枝 [书面语]1.(多长出的一个大拇指或小拇指) double toe or finger2.(多余的, 不必要的) superfluous◇骈枝机构 superfluous structure
- 骈句 parallel sentences
- 骈枝机构 superfluous structure
- 骈 Ⅰ形容词(并列的; 对偶的) parallel; antithetical 骈句 parallel sentencesⅡ名词[书面语] (两马并驾一车) a pair of horses, as in driving a carriage
- 骈体的日语:駢体[べんたい].駢文.字句が整然とつり合う対句で構成される文体.▼六朝時代に盛んに作られた韻文.“散体 sǎntǐ ”と区別していう.
- 骈体的韩语:[명사] 변체. [정제된 대구와 음률의 조화, 화려한 수식을 요구하는 문체임. 특히 육조(六朝) 시대의 사륙변려문(四六騈儷文)이 유명함] →[散sǎn体]
- 骈体的俄语:pinyin:piántǐ см. 駢文
- 骈体什么意思:piántǐ 要求词句整齐对偶的文体,重视声韵的和谐和词藻的华丽,盛行于六朝(区别于‘散体’)。