开除 expel; discharge; dismiss; disciplinary dismissal; send down; fire; sack 开除公职 discharge sb. from public employment; take sb.'s name off the books; 开除党籍 expel sb. from the party; 开除军籍 dishonorable discharge; undesirable discharge; 开除某人 give sb. the sack; 开除学籍 expel sb. from school; expulsion from school; exclusion from school; 他被开除以示惩戒。 he was dismissed by way of disciplinary punishment. 老板以玩忽职守为由把他开除了。 the boss fired him out for neglect of his duty
驱逐 drive out; expel; dislodge; banish 把一外国间谍驱逐出境 expel [deport] a foreign secret agent from a country; 驱逐敌军 drive off hostile troops; 把敌军驱逐出阵地 dislodge the enemy troops from their positions; 驱逐机 chaser; pursuit plane; peashooter; 驱逐舰 destroyer