The furniture is covered with horse-hair woven in alternate dull and glossy stripes . 几张沙发和椅子,上面包的马鬃布满是一条条忽而暗淡忽而发光的纹缕。
What a fella needs is mother wit and a horse hair 只要一点点智慧和一根马鬃就行
Method for inspection of horse maneand tail hair for export 出口马鬃马尾把毛检验方法
No , horse hair ' ll hold a lumpin ' whale 怎么会呢,马鬃能拉起一只大笨鲸呢
It s like a colt s mane over his eyes 耷拉到他的眼睛上面像马鬃似的!
They padded the seat of the chair with horse - hair to make it soft 他们往椅子的坐垫里填塞马鬃以使之柔软。
Body brush : soft bristled brush , usually made of horse hair 身体刷:也软毛刷,软毛制成,多用马鬃毛为材质。
Rostov lifted his head , which had dropped on to his horses mane , and pulled up beside the hussar 罗斯托夫抬起他那低垂在马鬃上的头,在骠骑兵身边停步了。
The ecological environment of mazongling nature reserve zone in dabieshan and the conservation of rare and endangered plants 大别山马鬃岭自然保护区生态环境及珍稀植物的保护
Then diaonixiusi asks him to attend the banquet , let him be born on him throne , use a mane to will hang li jian on his head , make he knows imperial hardship 于是迪奥尼修斯就请他赴宴,让他生在自己的宝座上,并用一根马鬃将一把利剑悬在他的头上,使他知道帝王的忧患。