- 跗 instep
- 部 part; section; division; reg ...
- 肿胀 swelling; plumping; tympanit ...
- 隐性跗部肿胀 blind spavin
- 局部肿胀 local swelling
- 长途飞行引致的足部肿胀 foot swelling on the plane
- 肿胀 swelling; plumping; tympanites; puff; turgescence; turgidity; turgidness; turgor; lump; [中医] oedema and abdominal distension
- 跗部皮肤 skin of tarsal region
- 耳部肿瘤 tumor of ear
- 腹部肿块 abdominal mass; mass in the abdomen
- 颈部肿大 deroncus
- 颅颈部肿瘤 craniocervical tumour
- 头颈部肿瘤 head and neck cancer
- 耳肿胀 ear dwelling
- 核肿胀 nuclear swelling
- 脑肿胀 brain swelling
- 使肿胀 puff up
- 肿胀的 bloated; oncootic; oncotic; swollen; swoln; tumefacient; tumid; tumorous; turgent; turgescent; turgidity; varicose
- 肿胀地 tumidly; turgidly
- 肿胀舌 swollen tongue
- 肿胀痛 swelling pain
- 疳肿胀 infantile malnutrition with abdominal distension
- 摘除腹部肿瘤 excise an abdominal tumour
- 蛋白性肿胀, 混浊肿胀 albuminous swelling
- ①肿瘤,肿块②肿胀 tumor