With tarawa eliminated, the way was clear for attack on the marshall group . 塔拉瓦据点被解决后,向马绍尔群岛进攻的道路便平坦无阻了。
American samoa , canada , guam , marshall islands , northern mariana islands , united states 东萨摩亚,加拿大,关岛,马绍尔群岛,北马里亚纳,美国
Fifty years have passed since america ended nuclear testing in the marshall islands 从美国最后一次在马绍尔群岛进行核试验至今,已经过去50年了。
America would be unlikely to tolerate a similar facility in a chinese - allied marshall islands 美国将不可能忍受一个类似的设施留在和中国结盟的马绍尔群岛之上。
Administrative districts : the marshall islands are divided for administrative purposes into municipalities and villages 行政区划:马绍尔群岛为便于管理,分为市和村。
Only five of them still remain on the list : andorra , liberia , liechtenstein , marshall islands and monaco 如今只有五个依然在榜:安道尔、利比里亚、列支敦士登、马绍尔群岛和摩纳哥。
Much of kiribati , the marshalls and other low - lying island groups might only be visible through a glass - bottomed boat in decades to come 吉里巴斯的大部分、马绍尔群岛和其他低矮群岛未来十年可能只能从玻璃底船才看得到。
See separate entries for caroline islands , mariana islands , marshall islands , puerto rico , samoa , virgin islands of usa and wake island 有关加罗林群岛、马里亚纳群岛、马绍尔群岛、波多黎各、萨摩亚、美属处女群岛及威克岛,请参阅另外载列。
A division of oceania in the western pacific ocean comprising the islands east of the philippines and north of the equator . it includes the caroline , marshall , mariana , and gilbert islands 密克罗尼西亚西太平洋上菲律宾群岛以东,赤道以北的岛群,是大洋洲的一部分,包括加罗林群岛,马绍尔群岛,马里亚纳群岛和吉尔伯特群岛
The 67 tests conducted in the northern marshalls between 1946 and 1958 released radioactive iodine said to be 150 times worse than the contamination from the nuclear disaster at chernobyl in 1986 1946年到1958年,在马绍尔群岛北部进行了67次核试验,释放出的放射性碘造成的污染据说比1986年切尔诺贝利核灾难带来的污染严重150倍。
马绍尔群岛的法语:îles marshall les Îles marshall république de îles marshall république des Îles marshall Îles marshall la république des Îles marshall