Humanism - the foundation of future education 浅析马基雅维里史学中的现实主义
Comparison between makiyavery and han fei ' s view of power 马基雅维里与韩非权力观之比较
Scholars gave him more praise than criticizm and affirmed his progressive role in history 总体评价是褒大于贬,肯定了马基雅维里的进步历史作用。
In the last decade , scholars in our country gave a detailed study on machiavelli and made a lot of findings 摘要近十年来,我国学者对马基雅维里进行了比较全面的研究,取得了较大的成绩。
Most people are familiar with the names plato , machiavelli , spinoza , and simone de beauvoir , but remain unsure of their significance 大多数人都熟悉的名字,柏拉图,马基雅维里,斯宾诺莎,波娃,但仍不能确定其意义。
The period in elementary school is just about the critical period for children ' s behaviors developing . in whether theory or practice , it would be very important to study children ' s altruism behavior . this research uses " the philosophies of human nature scale " and " kiddie mach scale " to investigate 331 pupils in both country and city 本研究采用“人性的哲学量表”和“儿童马基雅维里主义量表”对农村和城市331名小学生进行调查,试图探讨小学生利他行为发展的现状,社会标定对不同年级、地区、性别、人际信任程度以及不同学习成绩儿童利他行为的影响。