香烟 1.(卷烟) cigarette; [俚语] coffin nail 过滤嘴香烟 filtertipped cigarette; 香烟头 cigarette butt [end]; 抽香烟 smoke a cigarette; 卷一支香烟 roll a cigarette; 嘴上刁着一支香烟 hold a cigarette between one's lips; 它们是精制香烟。 they are quality cigarette.2.(烧香的烟) incense smoke
The wreaths of smoke curled up in such fanciful whorls from his opium tainted cigarette . 这些烟圈出自他那带鸦片味的香烟头,形成各种光怪陆离的涡状花纹而袅袅上升。
Many people throw away cigarette ends carelessly 许多人随手乱扔香烟头。
Tire tracks , cigarette butts for dna , but something 车印跟踪,香烟头做dna查点线索出来
The cause of the fire was a cigarette end 火灾的起因是一个香烟头。
Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or cigarette ends 森林火灾时常由碎玻璃或香烟头引起。
They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire 他们还相当肯定,一个香烟头不会引起这场火灾。
Remember that cigarettes are trash . cigarette butts must go into trash cans or bigger dumpsters 别忘了香烟是垃圾。香烟头应扔进垃圾箱或大一点的垃圾堆里。
Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away 森林火灾时常由破碎的玻璃或人们随手扔掉的香烟头引起。
Once the red sea was passed , no longer was there fear of the intense heat igniting a fire , so , besides the usual fruit peelings , scraps of paper , bottle caps and cigarette butts were everywhere 红海已过,不怕热极引火,所以等一会甲板上零星果皮、纸片、瓶塞之外,香烟头定又遍处皆是。