- gifts and charitable contributions
- 馈赠 make a present of sth.
- 和 mix; blend
- 慈善 charitable; benevolent; phil ...
- 捐献 contribute; donate; present
- 慈善捐献 charitable contributions; philanthropic contributions
- 慈善捐款 charitable bequest; charitable donation; charities and donation
- 慈善捐赠 charitable contributions
- 慈善捐助 benevolent contribution
- 为慈善捐款 raise money for charity
- 认可慈善捐款 a roved charitable donation; approved charitable donation
- 私人慈善捐款 private charitable donation
- 尊严和慈善运动 dignity and charity movement
- 和慈 kazuji
- 梅隆教育和慈善基金会 a. w. mellon educational and charitable trust; mellon educational and charitable trust
- 慈善捐款在内的邮票 semipostal
- 全国慈善捐助基金会 national endowment for the humanities
- 馈赠 present (a gift); make a present of sth.; give as a present 馈赠礼品 make a present; 接受馈赠 accept a present; receive sth. as a present; 谢绝馈赠 decline presents; 这本书则是理想的馈赠。 the book would make an ideal present. 人参是送给康复期病人的常见馈赠。 ginseng is the usual gift for a convalescent
- 捐献 contribute (to an organization); donate; present 捐献一笔巨款 contribute a big sum of money; 他把全部藏书捐献给图书馆。 he presented his whole collection of books to the library
- 慈善 charitable; benevolent; philanthropic 慈善为怀 cherish charity; 慈善机关 charitable institution [organization]; 慈善家 philanthropist; 慈善慕捐舞会 charity ball; 慈善事业 charities; good works; philanthropy; 慈善收养院 hospital; 慈善堂 house of mercy; 慈善学校 charity school
- 馈赠人 donee of gift
- 馈赠税 gift tax
- 贡献,捐献 contribution
- 捐献,订购 subscribe
- 捐献,集资 chiin = contribute money
- 捐献给 be donated to