Substation location influence network configuration , power supply quality and running cost of future electric power system . good feeder configuration can improve on power supply quality and decrease running cost of electric power system . so it ' s significant for electric enterprise to make a good fist at substation location and feeder planning 变电所选址及馈线优化是电力系统规划工作中的重要环节,变电所的位置直接影响着未来电力系统的网络结构、供电质量和运行经济性;好的馈线网络结构也可提高供电质量、运行经济性;因此,做好变电所选址及馈线优化工作对电力企业有重要的意义。
Emphasis on picking up node failure message characters and matrix based on topology fabric and abutment matrix via switch node , analyzing the distribution feeder line break - down at single circumstance , discussing the distribution feeder line break - down judgment matrix , judge out the breakdown area of the segment through analyzing the break - down matrix inside chemical elements 论文软件着重研究了以配电网拓扑结构以及开关为节点的邻接矩阵为基础、在实时情况下,提取电网节点故障信息特征及矩阵,举例说明了通过分析配电网馈线单一故障情况,利用馈线网络故障时的故障区段判断矩阵,通过分析故障判断矩阵中元素的性质,来判断出故障区段的方法。