Grace watched the head man with interest . 格雷斯饶有兴趣地看着这个领班的男人。
He watched her with amused twinkling eyes, yet in spite of himself sad that she flouted him . 他饶有兴趣地用他明亮的双眼看着她,可还是禁不住因为她的愤然离开而感到忧伤。
The children are talking about the question with great interest 孩子们正饶有兴趣地讨论那个问题。
Said monte cristo , with interest 基督山饶有兴趣地问道。
We had some fun and games last night going through some old family photographs 昨晚我们饶有兴趣地翻看了一些昔日的家庭合影。
Young jerry relieved his father with dutiful interest , and reported no job in his absence 尽心尽力饶有兴趣地接替了他爸爸的工作的小杰瑞向他报告说,他离开之后没有任务。
Important note : you may want to make a note of your original resolution so you can change back after experimenting 基于这一点,你可能会饶有兴趣地在不同的分辨率下测试页面的显示效果。
She rattled on cheerfully about the shooting and the scarcity of birds , and the prospects for duck in the winter 关于打猎、飞鸟的稀少,以及冬天猎鸭的前景,她饶有兴趣地讲个喋喋不休。
He was interested to find her so young a wife , and so pretty , though it was only a respectful interest 他饶有兴趣地发现,她这位太太竟然这么年轻,又这么漂亮,不过,这种兴趣完全出于尊重。
But many foreign businessmen and enterprises have been watching with interest as most of their employees are chinese 但是很多外国商人和企业一直在饶有兴趣地关注着,因为他们的大部分员工都是中国人。