饥荒 1.(庄稼收成不好或无收成) famine; crop failure 发生了饥荒。 a famine broke forth. 每年有许多人在饥荒中死亡。 many people die during famines every year. 饥荒迫在眉睫。 famine stared us in the face. 数千人死于饥荒。 thousands died of famine.2.[口语] (经济困难) be hard up; be hard pressed for money; be short of money3.[口语] (债) debt 拉饥荒 run into debt
Actually, roosevelt regarded these measures as stopgaps to keep people from starving until recovery had set in . 实际上,罗斯福是把这些措施作为复兴到来之前防止饥荒的权宜之计。
With the terrible images ofafrican famine still fresh in mind, it is hard to believe that the occurrence of famine is declining . 由于人们对非洲饥荒的可怕形象记忆犹新,因此很难相信饥荒发生的次数在下降。
They went through the agonies of war and famine 他们走过了战争和饥荒的痛苦煎熬。
They went through the agonies of war and famine 他们经历了战争和饥荒的痛苦。
They were appalled at the report of the famine 有关饥荒的报道把他们吓坏了。
We are collecting money for the famine victim 我们在为遭受饥荒的灾民募捐。
They were appalled by the reports of the famine 有关饥荒的报导吓死他们了。
There are reports of refugees dying of famine every day 每天都有难民死于饥荒的报导。
We are collecting money for the famine victim 我们在为遭受饥荒的灾民募捐
The response of the people to the famine appeal was immediate 人们对救济饥荒的吁求立刻作出了回应